Multispecies justice

Stefanie Fishel, Christine Winter & Anthony Burke

Between Ecology & Indigeneity
Borderlands journal

Celermajer, Chatterjee, Cochrane, Fishel, et al.

Justice through a multispecies lens
Contemporary Political Theory

Sophie Chao

In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua
Duke University Press

Audra Mitchell

Revitalizing laws, (re)-making treaties, dismantling violence Social & Cultural Geography

Wissenburg & Schlosberg, Eds.

Political Animals and Animal Politics

Anthony Burke

Blue screen biosphere: the absent presence of biodiversity in international law
International Political Sociology


Theriault, Leduc, Mitchell, Rubis & Gaehowako

Living protocols: remaking worlds in the face of extinction
Social & Cultural Geography

Anthony Burke

Polity Press

Sophie Chao

Amphibious Justice
MSJ Series

Sophie Chao

Multispecies stories: Why do they matter for human rights?
Right Now

Rafi Youatt

Interspecies Politics: Nature, Borders, States
U. Michigan Press

Sophie Chao

We are (not) monkeys: contested cosmopolitical symbols in West Papua
American Ethnologist

Sophie Chao

Gastrocolonialism: race, food & development in West Papua
International Journal of Human Rights

Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad

Anthropocentrisation and Its Discontents in Indonesia
Non-Human Nature in World Politics


Climate & Ecological Security